Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To-Do List{27 days left!}

ME-OH-MY!!  27 days left and I still feel like I have a slew of things to accomplish!  So here is what is left...

**not in any significant order**
  1. 11 Sunsets
  2. 2 {30 places food/drink}
  3. 12 {30 things Austin}
  4. 17 days left in daily devotional, Purpose Driven Life
  5. Zip Line {Something Adventurous}
  6. Find the perfect shade of lipstick
  7. Pay it forward
  8. Sign up/take dance class @ Inner Diva Studio
  9. Deliver flowers to a stranger at nursing home
  10. Watch Gone with the Wind
  11. 19 {30 days of being active}
  12. Start writing a Business Plan for my own Boutique
  13. Buy a Fishing Pole
  14. Paint chairs for patio and plant flowers {Home Project}
  15. New Orleans {Planned Trip}
Finally, finish this blog and post this project publicly!!  Whew, here goes nothing!!!

Adventure Awaits!!

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