Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3.30 Things Austin, 3 {Aquapalooza}

Brad Paisley on stage
Date: 07.10.10
Activity: Attend Aquapalooza
Place: Lake Travis
Costs: "your boat is your ticket to get in"
Notes: wave runners are useful and very popular as a source of transportation to and from concert area to your boat

we were on left side in front of one of the house boats-we swam with our rafts down the middle to the concert(and had a little help from a friendly couple on a wave runner-apparently there were 26 of us lined up holding on and being dragged by their rope)

overhead view(it was reported that 65,000 people attended)

image from friends iphone as we got close to the stage (we ended up on the right of stage)

view from stage-we were somewhere in the middle

Take Away:: all things are possible if you work together
# Completed 30 things Austin:: 3
# to go:: 27
Months until 30th:: 10 months

Adventure Awaits!!

"All you need this time of year is a pair of shades and ice cold beer and a place to sit somewhere near Water"-Brad Paisley lyrics to Water

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