Date: 05.14.10
Activity: Deutschen Pfest
Place: Pflugerville, TX
Costs: $4 per day, FREE admissions all weekend with purchase of $10 tshirt(as long as you wear it), ride mentioned below 5 tickets(about $1 ea), German Beer regular size $6
Pfood. Pfamily. Pfun
The festival, or pfestival, was held at Pflugerville park and consisted of community vendors, carnival rides, and music all with a
hint of German flare. My friends and I strolled through the paths of vendors with yellow, red, and black ribbons streaming through our hair. We quickly got distracted by the beer and margarita tent. So I eagerly ordered a German beer and found a delicious roasted corn on the cob to gnaw on. After we indulged in a sausage on a stick, turkey leg, and adult beverages we decided it would be a great idea to hop on a ride. I mean after all we are at a carnival and I do need some juicy material for my blog. We started at the kiddie rides and the next thing I know I am nervously strapping myself into the scariest ride in the park. It is the ride you hear people screaming on from outside the park. The ride itself was one big loop(
see pic below) that thrusts you round and round then would come to a halt at the top so that you are left to hang(and pray). It is AMAZING how fearful and nervous I got as we approached the ride. What is up with that?? Has my youth been sucked out already?? My palms were sweaty, muscles weak, body numb, and queasiness took over almost instantly. Then the nervous talking started(its either that or no talking at all). Naturally I quizzed the "carni/ride tech" if the ride passed its maintenance checks recently and asked(probably a dozen times) to check to make sure I was securely buckled in my chair. He answered me, finally, by pressing the shoulder pads as tight down on my body as they would go, then asked if I was drunk and strapped a glow-in-the-dark bracelet on my wrist. Luckily, praise god, I managed to survive with minimal(ok maybe not) profanities. Even though I was still a little shaky afterwards, it was such a rewarding experience to just let go and have a little fun! After the carnival ride excitement we ended our evening listening, singing, and dancing to an 80's cover band. So overall we had a great time. There wasn't as much "German" influence as I would have liked, but we made the most of it!

Take Away:: channel your inner child
# Completed:: 1
# to go:: 29
Months until 30th:: 11
Adventure Awaits!
" You can't avoid fear. No magic potion will take it away. And you can't wait for motivation to get you going. To conquer fear, you have to feel the fear and take action anyway." ~ John Maxwell